Decompress with a hands-on drawing workshop with artist, cartoonist and feeler of feelings, Sarah Nagorcka AKA Gorkie.
Come for the Big Feels Club panel 'Mental Health Outside the Mainstream #2: When Big Feelers Are in Charge' and stick around to decompress afterwards with a hands-on drawing workshop with artist, cartoonist and feeler of feelings, Sarah Nagorcka AKA Gorkie.
Explore your inner world with this reflective drawing workshop. Exercises are light-hearted and will help you move past any fear of drawing and get your feelings out on the page. The aim is not to produce a piece of fine art, but to approach whatever emerges with curiosity and play.
I CAN’T DRAW. Can I come? Yes! People of all levels of experience are welcome. All materials will be provided but if you have a favourite pen, colouring implements or notebook, please bring them along.
This is what people have to say about GORKIE’s drawing workshop:
"It was sort of like drawing as yoga." - Micki
"I invited my housemates to do this activity with me and although they came to it a bit nervous (not confident in drawing etc) they had an absolute blast." - Siobhan
Meet Your Drawing Master
Sarah Nagorcka AKA Gorkie is a multidisciplinary artist based in Melbourne/Narrm. Her cartooning work has previously been featured in Crikey, The Monthly and shortlisted for the Overland NUW Fair Australia Prize. Her SH*T DRAWING Masterclass and Indoor Drawing Excursions run regularly online.