Patricia Domínguez ​​Claro 

How do the natural and digital worlds overlap? 

The world is constantly seeking to transform what is alive into pixels, creating expansive digital universes. Materialising the digital realm and connecting physically to memory, step through four vibrant visual worlds and delve into the potential of artistic imagination as a path to healing and resistance. Through her residency at CERN, Patricia seeks to draw connections between the invisible universe of particle physics and the higher realm of spirituality. Move beyond time and space and explore nature and ancient spiritual practices as a medium to resist the relentless digital interference and commodification of the modern world. 

Where do you connect to earth? 

Patricia Domínguez is an artist ​​and organic technologist. Her work focuses on tracing digital and spiritual relationships between living species in an increasingly corporate cosmos. Through a wide variety of media, Domínguez draws upon new myths, rituals and healing practices, combining artistic imagination with experimental research on ethnobotany and extractivism. 



  • 4k video, audio, 24:00 min, 2019.

    Commissioned by Gasworks, London.

    Film written, directed and edited by Patricia Domínguez.

    Camera and photography assistance by Emilia Martín, Ce Pams, and Patricia Domínguez.

    3D modelling and digital animation by Álvaro Muñoz.

    Drone footage by Andrés Pérez.

    Ceramics shot and post-produced by Cristián Medina Payá.

    Music by Futuro Fósil (featuring a track with Galambó).

    Sound design by Patricia Domínguez. Samples include pre-Columbian vases used as wind instruments and a knife sharpener recorded at La Elipa, Madrid. 

    Additional sound effects by Ce Pams. 

    Cast includes: Elisita Balbontín Domínguez, Claudia Blin, Felipe Domínguez, Florencia Domínguez, Gonzalo Domínguez, Fanny Escobar, Lucía Miranda, Abuela Rock, Ricardo Vergara Muñoz, Rosa Zaldívar.

    Filmed in: Atacama Desert and Santiago de Chile 


    Curator Sabel Gavaldón 

    Fundación Engel 

    Lazo Cordillera 

    Fundación AMA 


    Museo Las Gaviotas 

    Teatro Club Social 

  • 4k video, audio, 20:51 min, 2019/20.

    Commissioned by CentroCentro, Madrid, produced in Residencia Kiosko, Bolivia. 

    Film written, directed and edited by Patricia Domínguez.

    Production Uri Carrasco y Patricia Domínguez.

    Camera and photography assistance by Juan Eduardo Serna and Patricia Domínguez.

    Drone images by Eduardo Osorio y Claudia Belaunde, Roboré 2019.

    Protests images by Ce Pams and Emilia Martín, Santiago 2019

    3D modelling and digital animation by Álvaro Muñoz.

    Costume design (Serpent: Edson Maraz), (Robot: Jorge Mollinedo de SOARY y Carlos Romeo de JC PROPS), Bolivia.

    Cast includes: Andrés Achivade Menacho y Romina Avalos. 

    Music by Futuro Fósil.

    Sound design by Patricia Domínguez with additional sound effects by Ce Pams. 

    Filmed in: Roboré and Santa Cruz, Bolivia and Santiago de Chile.


    Curator Rafa Barber

    Refugio Biotermal de Roboré

    Teatro Experimental Universitario

    Kiosko Galería

    Raquel Schwartz

    Galería Patricia Ready

  • 4K video, 21:12 min, 2021/22 

    Commissioned by Screen City Biennial, with the support of Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready 

    Film written, directed and edited by Patricia Domínguez. 

    Camera and photography assistance by Emilia Martín. 

    Postproduction: Thomas Woodroffe  

    VFX Effects by Thomas Woodroffe and Simón Jarpa 

    Cast includes: Claudia Blin and Pedrito the parrot 

    Music by Futuro Fósil. 

    Sound design by Patricia Domínguez with additional sound effects by Ce Pams.  

    Filmed in: Madre de Dios, Perú  


    Amador Aniceto and Rosa 

    The vegetal universe 

  • 4k video, 39:28 min, 2021 

    Interview by Studio Vegetalista with the generous support of Screencity Biennial, Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready.  

    Camera direction: Emilia Martín  

    Sound: Ce Pams  

    Music: Futuro Fósil  

    Postproduction: Thomas Woodroffe  

    Video and sound editing: Patricia Domínguez 

    Filmed in: Madre de Dios, Perú  

Gabrielle Capes