MARCUS VOLZ (Australia)

Can maths be art? Can art be maths?

Maths is often abstract and hard to visualise when presented as numbers and equations, yet is crucial to our precise understand of the our world. These computer-generated artworks are visual displays of mathematical patterns and structures. The Lorenz attractor is a visualisation of the Lorenz attractor, a set of solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations derived from a simplified model for atmospheric convection, developed by Edward Lorenz in 1963. Natalina Cafra is a visualisation of a Natalina cafra shell derived from a mathematical model developed by M.B. Cortie in the paper “Model for mollusc shell shape” (1989).

Marcus is a research fellow at the University of Melbourne, where he is studying geometric networks, optimisation and computational geometry. He has a PhD in engineering / applied mathematics, and has worked previously as a consultant developing simulation models and animations of industrial processes. His interests and skills revolve around visualisation, and he is always looking for opportunities to represent complex information in novel visual ways to help accelerate the learning process, and to uncover unexpected or unintuitive results.

Brendan Kidney