Enter our Science on a Serviette Competition

ScienceOnAServiette _example.jpg

Imagine a whiteboard you could wipe your face with. Or a moist towelette that’s made its way into the lab and absorbed all the A4. How would you communicate your research if you only had a humble serviette as your canvas?

To celebrate LGBTQI STEM Day on November 18 2020 you’re invited to take science communication to a new level in a competition with Queers in Science.

Queer-identifying STEM folks of all ages are invited to share their research within the four corners of a napkin or serviette. Open to LGBTQIA+ researchers and LGBTQIA+ general public/youth in Australia, we challenge you to create a single image that explains your research or a specific scientific topic. 

Download our template, then draw or explain the topic any way you like. Whether drawing, collage, emojis, diagrams – it’s completely up to you!

Enter by emailing your submission to queersinscienceau@gmail.com with your name, STEM area and any social handles, OR upload your finished image to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #scienceonaserviette. Make sure you tag @scigallerymel and @queersinscience

On LGBTQI STEM Day a shortlist will be shared online in a gallery on the new Queers in Science website, as well as on Science Gallery Melbourne and Queers in Science social media.

Winning entries will receive a voucher to Hares and Hyenas bookshop in Melbourne, plus the opportunity to share your research with a wide audience.



Who can enter this competition?
LGBTQIA+ researchers and LGBTQIA+ general public/youth in Australia. All ages are welcome to enter.

Great, so tell me again how I enter?
Download our template. Summarise your research or a scientific topic – be as creative and experimental as you want!

Enter by emailing your submission to queersinscienceau@gmail.com with your name, STEM area and any social handles, OR upload your finished image to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #scienceonaserviette. Make sure you tag @scigallerymel and @queersinscience

What topics do you accept?
All of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine is fair game.  Whether it’s your favourite scientific phenomenon or something new altogether, the idea is to explain concepts simply, in an easy to understand manner.

What formats can I download the template?
You can download in pdf, png, jpg or ppt.

I’m not an artist, does that matter?
Absolutely not!

What are the dates?
The competition opens on Friday 23 October 2020. The deadline for entries is 11.59pm Tuesday 16 November 2020.

How is the winner picked?
Winners will be judged on impact and content. Read the terms and conditions for more information - they’re included in the template download.