
Rawcus with Lead Artist Prue Stevenson 

How do you self-regulate your emotions?  

Humans are sensory seeking organisms. We use our senses, our movement and our bodies to seek out information from the world around us that helps define ourselves and our boundaries. Portal is a pop-up respite space to combat anxiety and sensory overload. A place that will sooth and comfort you, allowing you to pause and discover how sensory play can support a sense of wellbeing. Informed by members of the Rawcus Ensemble who experience anxiety and sensory overload, this is a space filled with soft and approachable choices to imaginatively engage and escape. Do you know your sensory profile?  

What senses do you seek and what do you avoid? 

Original Portal concept realisation and design by Rawcus, Jolyon James and Prue Stevenson.  

Prue Stevenson is an artist who aims to celebrate and progress autistic culture for autistics, while creating experiences that are more broadly accessible to all. She uses repetitive and tactile processes to allow for experiences of sensory play and to creates spaces for downtime. Prue is member of the Rawcus Ensemble, 3rd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo and founder of Stim Your Heart Out. Refer to Prue's journal article for more insight into her ideas and lived experience behind Portal.

Rawcus is a critically acclaimed ensemble of performers with and without disability who create distinct performance work and deliver exceptional arts experiences. Rawcus devises new work that expresses the imaginative world of the Ensemble. Drawing on dance, theatre and visual art disciplines, the work is crafted with a precision that supports the performers but allows space for their inherent sense of anarchy. Rawcus’ work is sculptural, unexpected, beautiful, funny and tender. 

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