Doing Nothing with AI

Emanuel Gollob 


Can you do nothing? 

In these times of constant busyness and the pressure to be always connected, doing nothing never seems to be an option. Technology has filled every moment of our lives so completely that even short periods of inactivity feel …. just weird, right? Enjoying a moment of inaction and introspection while letting our minds wander and daydream may be more productive than constantly keeping us busy with doing something. Behold Doing Nothing with AI, your self-built robotic pal who’s here to relax your mind through dance. This specific dance choreography has been learnt using the brainwave feedback of other visitors like you. Don the headset to help the robot learn from your brain activity. 

Can this robot clear your mind with dance?   

Emanuel Gollob is a total polymath – his work connects and explores many disciplines. He dabbles in human to A.I. interaction, neuroscience, robotics and beyond. Emanuel is always exploring different ways of interacting with his audience and the most important thing to him is how YOU, the visitor, connect to his work and the emotions you experience while watching. Emanuel just started his PhD in the Creative Robotics research team at the University of Art and Design, Linz.

His work has recently been exhibited at Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón, SP), Ars Electronica (Linz, AT) and Liedts-Meesen Foundation (Ghent, BE), among others. Currently, he is in a residency at MindSpaces, an EU research project in the STARTS initiative framework. He graduated at the University of Applied Arts Vienna with a diploma in Design Investigation in 2019.