Did you know: 500,000 babies were born on the same land as Science Gallery?
Science Gallery Melbourne is the front door to the major new innovation precinct Melbourne Connect, which encompasses the Melbourne School of Engineering, Faculty of Business, Economics student accommodation, artist-in-residence fabrication labs, and co-working and event spaces. Melbourne Connect will inhabit the former site of the Royal Women’s Hospital, which was established amidst the gold rush in 1856. Within a decade of the hospital first opening, half a million people had migrated to Victoria in hopes of finding fortune. Many women, however, found it a devastating time to be a mother, enduring great hardships with little access to medical services.
As Australia's first public women's hospital, the Royal Women's emerged as a place where disadvantaged women could give birth safely and receive proper medical attention. It quickly developed into Australia's busiest birth ward. Over half a million babies were born on this site.
Bricks from the demolished hospital walls will be repurposed as pavers for Melbourne Connect's outdoor space, while a digital mural wall will tell the story of the hospital's history.