Available: 8 August - 2 December, 2023
Levels: 7 - 12
Sessions: 11:30am - 2:30pm, Tuesday to Friday. The start time can be adjusted up to +/- 0.5 hours. Please note when booking.
Duration: 3 hours
Capacity: 30 students (minimum 20 students)
Cost: A $50 education service fee applies to each booking plus a cost per student (subsidised cost for low-SES and regional schools). All prices are inclusive of GST and include the cost of the tour.
Cost per student: $20 Low-SES/regional cost per student: $10
As technology continues to evolve, how will it change the way we eat? Modern food production is adapting to a whole new range of technological advancements in the face of a changing world and uncertain future food security. In Future Foods, we dive into the fascinating and increasingly relevant world of food sciences to learn about innovative ways our food chain is becoming more sustainable and healthier. Focusing on the praised future superfood ‘insects’, students will explore how insects are already being eaten, and how this may evolve in the future. And yes, students will get to have a taste for themselves.
Students will start the day exploring and participating in thought-provoking discussion and activities as part of a facilitator-led tour of DARK MATTERS. In collaboration with Arts at CERN and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics, DARK MATTERS explores the fundamental essence of life and the universe, and how so much of it remains a mystery to us. Then, using a design process, students will work in teams to create and brand an insect-based future foods product before pitching their ideas to their peers for feedback.
Key Themes: food science; food production; nutrition; sustainability; innovation; additional themes explored as part the exhibition tour.
Identify and connect the key themes and concepts explored in the DARK MATTERS exhibition through the facilitator-led tour of the transdisciplinary works.
Participate in facilitator-led group activities and discussions that prompt critical thinking and provoke curiosity.
Explore the current challenges of our food chain and the need for sustainable practices.
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of insects as a ‘superfood’ (and have the opportunity to taste some).
Use a design thinking process to create and develop a brand for their new insect-based product.
Work in groups to mix up a batch of insect treats using ingredients from sustainable providers.
Informally engage with university students – who make up our facilitator team - and learn about diverse post-school pathways.
Gallery Tour
Victorian Curriculum 7-10: Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies, Science, Visual Arts.
Capabilities 7-10: Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Personal and Social Capability.
Victorian Curriculum 7-10: Design and Technologies, Geography, Science.
Capabilities 7-10: Critical and Creative Thinking.