Virus one million times

Drew Berry and Justin Muir, WEHI  

How do we see the unseeable? 

Our bodies contain extraordinary defence mechanisms to protect us from deadly invaders. Bacteria, parasites and viruses are constantly trying to attacking our bodies. With the help of antibodies in our blood we can fight them off.  

View the beautiful, scientifically accurate molecular visualisations of the ten most important human viruses, magnified one million times by the lens of the glass bricks. Watch as swarms of antibodies flutter and attack in a kaleidoscope of colour.  

What can we learn from the micro? 

Drew Berry is a cell biologist and biomedical animator who creates beautiful, accurate visualizations of the dramatic cellular and molecular action that is going on inside our bodies. Since 1995 he has led biomedical animation within WEHI, Australia. His has exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum, MoMA, the Royal Institute of Great Britain and the University of Geneva. 

WEHI.TV explains discoveries at the frontier of medical research through accurate and entertaining 3D animations. It answers the ever-growing demand for meaningful and engaging information on complex bodily topics.  

Gabrielle Capes