Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho

What challenges will we face in the future?

Folding space and flying through time often manifest as major themes in Western science fiction. The Ways of Folding Space and Flying refers to the Korean words, chukjibeop 축지법  (to fold space as a method of travelling large distances) and bihaengsul 비행술 (to fly across time and space). These ideas have been studied in Taoist practice for hundreds of years as ways of freeing the mind and body from physical limitations and natural forces. Humans desire to look beyond the barriers and structures that confine us. In the distant future, where much of the world has been covered in water, you are invited to question the future of art and creativity in human civilisation.

Moon and Jeon are a South Korean artist duo making art that probes the boundary between reality and fiction, and utopia and dystopia. Their practice explores the relationship between human society and art, asking what the social function of art is, whilst drawing attention to the multiple crises that humanity faces—including climate change.  

Installation photography: Matthew Stanton

Eloise Coomber