Kind Words

Ziba Scott  

How do we spread kindness and positive connection over the internet? 

Welcome to a game about writing nice letters to real people. We invite you to use your words to uplift others and be uplifted. Has something got you down? Stressed you out? Scared you? That's pretty normal. In this game some players anonymously write out their concerns and sorrows, while others reply with kindness when we need it most. Try it out at the desk or chill on the beanbags and watch the messages flying across the curtains. We're all in this together. Sometimes all you need are a few kind words. 

 What will you share? 

Ziba Scott has been making games as Popcannibal for ten years. He uses his schooling in computer science and serious games to make games that explore the lines between fantasy and meaningful action. And sillier stuff too, including seating arrangements in Girls Like Robots, poetry in Elegy for a Dead World, sailing in Make Sail and, most recently, kindness in Kind Words. Awards include: a BAFTA and the IndieCade Europe Grand Prix. He has been very slowly studying blues harmonica and likes to think he's getting better. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with his wife and turtle. 

Kind Words was made in collaboration with artist Luigi Guatieri and composer Clark Aboud.