Arne Hendriks (Netherlands) & Mike Thompson (United Kingdom)

Do we really understand fat?

In November 2017, the 130-tonne ‘Monster of Whitechapel’ was ejected from the bowels of east London. This fatberg – a congealed mass of fat, wet wipes and nappies – stretched the length of nearly two AFL footy ovals, taking workmen armed with shovels and high-powered jets three weeks of around the clock effort to extract.

Fat is perhaps THE iconic substance of our time. It is integral to life, health, energy, beauty, ecology and consumption. But what is fat if its behaviour becomes unpredictable, overtaking not only ourselves but our sewage systems? Do we understand fat, or do we need a fresh perspective?

To begin answering this question, artists Arne Hendriks and Mike Thompson built Australia's first purpose-built island of fat at Testing Grounds. The audience was invited to ask what is fat? What does it want? What is fat's future? And do we really know fat?

Brendan Kidney