Sadé Mica

What if freedom was a place? 

In this series of films, Sadé pilgrimages through the European outdoors. What originally began as a personal process of observing and documenting their own body soon became visual poetry. Within the limitlessness of nature, we can find room for unbridled emotion and self-expression; Sadé mirrors the contours of the mountains and terrain until the natural expanse begins to free their body from expectations. Between these moments of mindful meditations, they finally find moments of freedom from bodily unease. It is only when we can understand our own body that we can possibly move beyond it.  

When do you feel most connected to your own body? 

Sadé Mica’s (they/them) current practice explores their experiences navigating the world as a fat, queer, black person and the nuances that brings in fleshing out an identity that is often met with contempt and confusion. They use photography, textiles, print and film alongside other mediums to document their body, emotions, ever in flux gender presentation and the facets of their identity they feel most pressing in regards to their gaze and worldview.   

UPROOT, NEW ROOTS was commissioned by Science Gallery London, King’s College London, as part of GENDERS: Shaping and Breaking the Binary.

Gabrielle Capes